Dictionary English German: [Abdominal Ultraschall]

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med. MedTech. abdominal ultrasound imaging [abdominal ultrasonography]Abdominalultraschall {m} [auch: Abdominal-Ultraschall]
Partial Matches
med. MedTech. abdominal sonographyAbdominalultraschall {m} [auch: Abdominal-Ultraschall]
med. MedTech. abdominal ultrasonography <AUS>Abdominalultraschall {m} [auch: Abdominal-Ultraschall]
MedTech. convex probeKonvexsonde {f} [Ultraschall]
MedTech. linear probeLinearsonde {f} [Ultraschall]
MedTech. vaginal probeVaginalsonde {f} [Ultraschall]
med. MedTech. ultrasonographyUltraschalldiagnostik {f} [auch: Ultraschall-Diagnostik]
material MedTech. beam angle [ultrasound]Öffnungswinkel {m} [Ultraschall]
naut. phys. wave pattern [ultrasound]Wellenbild {n} [Ultraschall]
material MedTech. footprint [of a probe]Ankoppelfläche {f} [Ultraschall]
MedTech. receive gainEmpfangsverstärkung {f} [z. B. Ultraschall]
MedTech. small parts [ultrasound]oberflächennahe Organe {pl} [Ultraschall]
MedTech. transmit gainSendeverstärkung {f} [z. B. Ultraschall]
engin. ultrasonic sonotrodeUltraschallsonotrode {f} [auch: Ultraschall-Sonotrode]
tech. ultrasonic weldingUltraschallschweißen {n} [auch: Ultraschall-Schweißen]
tech. ultrasound weldingUltraschallschweißen {n} [auch: Ultraschall-Schweißen]
MedTech. ultrasound / sound windowSchallfenster {n} [Ultraschall-Untersuchungen]
circular disc-shaped reflectorKreisscheibenreflektor {m} [Ultraschall]
MedTech. acoustic window [in sonography]Schallfenster {n} [Ultraschall-Untersuchungen]
MedTech. test blockPrüfkörper {m} [z. B. bei Ultraschall]
med. to examine sth. with ultrasoundetw. schallen [ugs.] [mit Ultraschall untersuchen]
med. MedTech. to treat sth. with ultrasoundetw. beschallen [(ein Organ) mit Ultraschall untersuchen od. behandeln]
jobs med. sonographer [diagnostic medical professional]Sonographer {m} [ugs.] [Arzt/Spezialist, der Ultraschall-Untersuchungen durchführt]
material MedTech. A-image [ultrasound]A-Bild {n} [Ultraschall]
MedTech. convex probeConvex-Sonde {f} [Ultraschall]
MedTech. phased array probePhased-Array-Sonde {f} [Ultraschall]
anat. med. VetMed. costoabdominal {adj} [also: costo-abdominal]costoabdominal [auch: costo-abdominal]
anat. med. VetMed. costoabdominal {adj} [also: costo-abdominal]kostoabdominal
med. low breathing [abdominal breathing]Bauchatmung {f}
zool. stomach breathing [abdominal breathing]Bauchatmung {f}
med. wound dehiscence [abdominal surgery]Bauchnahtinsuffizienz {f}
entom. T
entom. T
anat. belly cavity [coll.] [abdominal cavity]Bauchhöhle {f}
sports tummy crunch [coll.] [abdominal exercise]Bauchpresse {f}
med. MedTech. abdominal ultrasound imaging [abdominal ultrasonography]Abdomensonografie {f}
med. MedTech. abdominal ultrasound imaging [abdominal ultrasonography]Abdomensonographie {f}
anat. abs [coll.] [short for: abdominal muscles]Bauchmuskeln {pl}
sixpack [coll.] [abdominal muscles, abs]Waschbrettbauch {m} [ugs.]
sports sit-up [abdominal strength training exercise]Rumpfbeuge {f}
med. MedTech. abdominal ultrasound imaging [abdominal ultrasonography]Bauchultraschall {m} [Untersuchung]
anat. biol. ab (muscle) [coll.] [short for: abdominal muscle]Bauchmuskel {m}
med. burst abdomen [abdominal wound dehiscence after laparotomy]Platzbauch {m}
washboard abs {pl} [coll.] [visible abdominal muscles]Waschbrettbauch {m} [ugs.]
sixpack [coll.] [abdominal muscles, abs]Waschbrett {n} [ugs:. gestählte Bauchmuskulatur]
cloth. sports (protective) box [abdominal guard for cricketers, kickboxers etc.]Herrentiefschutz {m}
med. panniculectomy [excision of the abdominal fat apron]Pannikulektomie {f} [Exzision der Fettschürze]
sixpack [coll.] [visible abdominal muscles]Sixpack {m} {n} [ugs.] [sichtbare abdominale Muskeln]
entom. anal proleg [either of the pair of false legs occurring on the 10th abdominal segment of caterpillars]Nachschieber {m} [bei Raupen]
med. psych. low breathing [one of the four traditional breathing techniques in yoga] [also: abdominal breathing, deep breathing, diaphragmatic breathing]Tiefenatmung {f} [hier: bes. Yoga] [auch: Bauchatmung, Flankenatmung, Zwerchfellatmung]
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