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| ling. obsolete {adj} <obs.> [No longer in use, and no longer likely to be understood. Obsolete is a stronger term than archaic, and a much stronger term than dated.] | 2331 veraltet | |
| obsolete {adj} | 1993 überholt [nicht mehr benützt, altmodisch] | |
| obsolete {adj} | 895 altmodisch | |
| obsolete {adj} | 497 hinfällig [nicht mehr aktuell] | |
| obsolete {adj} | 483 abgenutzt | |
| ling. archaic {adj} [no longer in general use, but still found in some contemporary texts (e.g. the Bible) and generally understood; a stronger term than »dated«, but not as strong as »obsolete«] | 408 veraltet | |
| obsolete {adj} | 356 unmodisch | |
| obsolete {adj} | 97 obsolet [geh.] | |
| obsolete {adj} | 55 verbraucht | |
| ling. obsolete {adj} | 53 ausgestorben | |
| obsolete {adj} | 53 überaltert [veraltet] | |
| biol. obsolete {adj} | 28 rudimentär | |
| quote RadioTV ["Which one would you like?" based on the "What is my profession?" quiz show question: "Which piggy-bank would you like?"] | Welches Schweinderl hätten S' denn gern? [Robert Lembke, «Was bin ich?»] | |
| hunting [hunters' greeting] | Waidmanns Heil! | |
| Internet blursed {adj} [coll.] [neologism from blessed + cursed] | ambivalent [geh. oder fachspr.] | |
| obsolete {adj} | zurück geblieben | |
| obsolete {adj} | nicht mehr gebräuchlich | |
| obsolete {adj} | nicht mehr zu gebrauchen | |
| obsolete {adj} [no longer in use] | außer Gebrauch [nachgestellt] | |
Verbs |
| to heart sb./sth. [coll.] [like very much, love; e.g. I ♥ NY] | 35 jdn./etw. mögen [auch: gernhaben, lieben] | |
| [to press one's thumbs / thumb (for sb.)] [literally] [hand gesture in Germany, Austria, Switzerland, Sweden, etc., meaning to keep one's fingers crossed (for sb.)] | (jdm.) die / den Daumen halten [ugs.] [Redensart] | |
| to show [here: Your slip is showing.] | herausschauen [österr.] [schweiz.] [sonst regional] [wie bei «Dein Unterrock schaut heraus.»] | |
Nouns |
| tools [Allen®] | Imbus- [FALSCH für: Inbus-®] | |
| phys. unit slug <slug> | 25 Slug {n} <slug> [Masseneinheit des Britischen Maßsystems (1 slug ≈ 14,5939 kg)] | |
| hinkypunk [will-o'-the-wisp] | 21 Irrlicht {n} | |
| hist. [“wellspring of life” or “fountain of life”, SS-supported association during the Third Reich] | 6 Lebensborn {m} [von der SS getragener und staatlich geförderter Verein während des 3. Reiches] | |
| gastr. [Alpine dish of bovine testicles] | 6 Alpeneier {pl} [bes. schweiz.] [auch «Glocken der Heimat» oder «spanische Nierli» genannt] [Rinderhoden] | |
| math. obelus [÷] | 6 Geteiltzeichen {n} | |
| brew gastr. unit [≈ 0.2 liter (of beer)] | Pfiff {m} [österr.] | |
| law [initiative of the SVP to tighten border controls between Switzerland and the EU] | Begrenzungsinitiative {f} [Schweiz] [offizieller Titel: Volksinitiative «Für eine massvolle Zuwanderung»] | |
| relig. [strewing dirt three times over the coffin while saying "Earth to earth, ashes to ashes, dust to dust"] | (dreifacher) Erdwurf {m} [«Erde zu Erde, Asche zu Asche, Staub zu Staub»] | |
| law [transaction entered into as a joke] | Scherzgeschäft {n} [Scherzerklärung, u. U. «Lokalrunde für alle!» (Gast zum Gastwirt)] | |
| biochem. antirrhinin [C27H31O15+, Cl−] | Antirrhinin {n} | |
| zool. T | | |
| print caret <^> | Hochzeichen {n} <^> [Zeichen für „... hoch ...“, z. B. „3 hoch 2“: 3^2 = 3²] | |
| chem. neol. tech. furanics | Furanverbindungen {pl} [«Furanics» (Furan-basierte organische Flüssigkeiten)] | |
| Goldbears® [Haribo®] | Goldbären {pl} [Haribo] | |
| ling. print guillemet [one of «, », ‹, or ›] | französisches Anführungszeichen {n} [eines von «, », ‹, oder ›] | |
| ling. print guillemets [double « and » or single ‹ and ›] | französische Anführungszeichen {pl} [Spitzen nach außen: « », ‹ ›] | |
| mineral. hydroxycalciopyrochlore [(Ca,Na,U,☐)2(Nb,Ti)2O6(OH)] | Hydroxycalciopyrochlor {m} | |
| mineral. kenoplumbomikrolite [(Pb,◻)2Ta 2O6(◻,O,OH)] | Kenoplumbomikrolith {m} | |
| mineral. kenoplumbopyrochlore [(Pb,□)Nb2O6(□,O)] | Kenoplumbopyrochlor {m} | |
| meteo. mist [WMO code 10] | feuchter Dunst {m} [relative Feuchte ≥ 80 %] | |
| mineral. natron [Na2 [CO3] • 10H2O] | Soda {f} {n} | |
| mineral. nevjanskite [Ir 50 %, Os 50 %] | Newjanskit {m} | |
| mineral. oxyuranobetafite [(U,Ca,◻)2(Ti,Nb)2O6O] | Oxyuranobetafit {m} | |
| biochem. petunidin <Pt, PT> [C16H13O7+(Cl−), C16H13O7Cl] | Petunidin {n} | |
| relig. pilpul [פלפול] | Pilpul {m} | |
| stinkpot [Am.] [sl.] [motorboat] | Motorboot {m} [ugs. manchmal auch «Stinker» genannt] | |
2 Words: Others |
| comm. 20% off [sign in a shop window] | 20 % [Schild in einem Schaufenster] [20 % Rabatt] | |