Wörterbuch Englisch Deutsch: [ turn]

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tools turnscrew [also: turn-screw, turn screw] [archaic] [screwdriver]Schraubendreher {m} [alter Bauart] [fachspr. nach DIN]
tools turnscrew [also: turn-screw, turn screw] [archaic] [screwdriver]Schraubenzieher {m} [Schraubendreher alter Bauart]
in turn {adv} [in one's turn; in its turn]im Gegenzug
to turn [of age or colour, e.g. to turn fifty, to turn red]werden [bei Alter oder Farbe, z. B. fünfzig (Jahre) werden, rot werden]
sports the Cruyff [coll.] [Cruyff turn]der Cruyff-Trick {m} [Cruyff-Turn]
biochem. entom. zool. to melanize [to turn black]melanisieren
to skew [turn round]umdrehen
walk [turn]Runde {f} [Rundgang]
biochem. entom. zool. to melanise [Br.] [to turn black]melanisieren
to open [turn on, untwist]aufdrehen
econ. pol. turn [fig.] [U-turn]Umschwung {m}
to whip round [turn quickly]herumschnellen
to powder [turn, grind into powder]pulverisieren
to reverse sth. [turn around]etw. herumdrehen
automot. indicator [Br.] [Aus.] [turn indicator]Blinker {m}
aviat. skidding turn [over-ruddered turn]Schmierkurve {f}
aviat. slipping turn [under-ruddered turn]Schiebekurve {f}
ling. rhet. turn-takingSprecherwechsel {m} [auch: Turn-Taking]
to shape in lathe [turn]drechseln [Holz]
turn and turn about {adv} [Br.]abwechselnd
to bilge [of white paint: to turn yellow]vergilben [Anstrich]
comp. electr. tech. to break sth. [turn off]etw.Akk. abschalten [Kontakt]
to face sth. [turn to]sich zu etw.Dat. wenden
sports wedge turn [snowplough turn in skiing]Pflugbogen {m} [Ski]
ecol. to desertify [turn into desert]verwüsten [selten] [zu Wüste werden]
RadioTV to unmute [turn the volume back up]lautschalten [Stummschaltung deaktivieren]
equest. traffic to gee [Am.] [to turn to the right] [horse]nach rechts gehen [Pferd]
to haw [Am.] [to turn to the left] [horse]nach links gehen [Pferd]
to prove out [Am.] [turn out as expected]wie erwartet ausgehen
traffic to hang a left [Am.] [coll.] [to turn left]nach links abbiegen
hist. print spec. bar [lever to turn the screw of an early printing press]Pressbengel {m}
VetMed. gid [a disease esp. of sheep and goats] [turn-sick]Drehkrankheit {f}
to show up [coll.] [turn up, arrive]auftauchen [fig.] [erscheinen, sichtbar werden]
equest. traffic Gee! [Am.] [command to a horse etc. to turn to the right]Hott! [Fuhrkommando: Rechtsherum!]
traffic to enter sth. [turn into e.g. a lane]in etw.Akk. einbiegen
hist. print spec. bar [lever to turn the screw of an early printing press]Preßbengel {m} [alt]
stunner [coll.] [amazing turn of events, big surprise]Riesenüberraschung {f} [ugs.] [bes. Ereignis]
to pull sth. round [esp. Br.] [turn round: game, match]etw. herumdrehen [Spiel]
to pull sth. round [esp. Br.] [turn round: game, match]etw. umdrehen [Spiel]
to show up [coll.] [turn up, arrive]sichAkk. blicken lassen [ugs.] [auch: sich blickenlassen]
[imaginary evil spirit that causes white fabric, paper, or paint to turn yellow]Gilb {m} [ugs.] [hum.]
to break bad [idiom] [Am.] [turn towards immorality or crime]auf die schiefe Bahn geraten [Redewendung]
to break bad [idiom] [Am.] [turn towards immorality or crime]auf die schiefe Bahn kommen [Redewendung]
to head south [coll.] [idiom] [take a turn for the worse]den Bach runtergehen [ugs.] [Redewendung]
sports heel-toe turn [also: heel toe turn] [in hammer throwing]Hacken-Ballen-Drehung {f} [im Hammerwerfen]
sports Cruyff turn [also "Cruijff Turn" in the Netherlands]Cruyff-Drehung {f}
automot. u-ey [coll.] [short for: U-turn]U-Turn {m} [Kehrtwendung]
equest. Haw! [Am.] [command to a horse etc. to turn to the left]Hüst! [auch: Jüst!, Hist! oder Wist!] [Fuhrkommando: Linksherum!]
in surprise {adv} [look up, turn around, etc.]überrascht [aufschauen, sich umdrehen etc.]
to look back at sth. [turn around and look back]auf etw.Akk. zurückblicken [auf Konkretes, das hinter einem liegt]
to flip a bitch [Am.] [vulg.] [to make a U-turn (often sudden or illegal)]wenden [insbes. plötzlich oder trotz Verbot] [Fahrzeug]
games turn [e.g. "it's player X's turn"]Zug {m} [z. B. "Spieler X ist am Zug"]
left {adj} [e.g. arrow, click, liberalism, module, rotation, turn]Links- [z. B. Pfeil, Klick, Liberalismus, Modul, Rotation, Kurve]
to go either way [also fig. if "turn out either way" is meant]in beide Richtungen ausschlagen [auch fig.]
to stand sb. up [coll.] [fail to turn up for a date]jdn. versetzen [ugs.] [jdn. vergeblich warten lassen (bes. den Freund bzw. die Freundin)]
tech. to brick sth. [technical jargon] [render an electronic device permanently unusable (turn it into a "brick")]etw. bricken [Technik-Jargon] [ein elektronisches Gerät dauerhaft unbenutzbar machen]
to flip a bitch [Am.] [coll.] [to make a U-turn with a vehicle (often sudden or illegal)]umdrehen [ugs.] [ein Fahrzeug wenden, insbes. plötzlich oder trotz Verbot]
mus. [practice of singing by turn the lines of the Christmas hymn "Quem pastores" by four soloists or choirs]Quempas-Singen {n}
to see sth. [experience, witness] [e.g. the turn of the century, the first lunar landing]etw.Akk. erleben [z. B. die Jahrhundertwende, die erste Mondlandung]
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