Wörterbuch Englisch Deutsch: two family

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ADJ   two-family | - | -
math. two-family {adj} [attr.]zweischarig
RealEst. two-family houseZweifamilienhaus {n}
two-income familyDoppelverdienerfamilie {f}
sociol. two-parent familyZweielternfamilie {f}
math. phys. two-parameter familyzweiparametrige Schar {f}
two-income familyFamilie {f} mit Doppeleinkommen
Teilweise Übereinstimmung
entom. T
mus. two-two meter [Am.]Zweihalbetakt {m}
mus. two-two metre [Br.]Zweihalbetakt {m}
games two-up [Aus.] [NZ]Two-up {n} [Version des Münzenwerfens; Casino-Spiel]
mus. two-two timeZweihalbetakt {m}
math. stat. two-way analysis of variance <two-way ANOVA>zweifache Varianzanalyse {f}
hist. relig. two-kingdoms / two kingdoms doctrineZwei-Reiche-Lehre {f}
hist. relig. two-natures / two natures doctrineZwei-Naturen-Lehre {f}
film F Addams Family Values [Barry Sonnenfeld]Die Addams Family in verrückter Tradition
film F Family Business [Sidney Lumet]Family Business [auch: Ehrbare Ganoven]
film F The Addams Family [Barry Sonnenfeld]Die Addams Family
film F Bravo Two Zero [Tom Clegg]Bravo Two ZeroHinter feindlichen Linien
film F The Family Man [Brett Ratner]Family Man
hist. relig. two-natures / two natures doctrineZweinaturenlehre {f}
film F A Family Thing [Richard Pearce]A Family Thing - Brüder wider Willen
familyFamily {f} [ugs.]
two-on-two situationZwei-gegen-zwei-Situation {f}
mus. Two StepTwo Step {m} [Paartanz]
twozwo [ugs.]
in two {adv}auseinander
in two {adv}entzwei
the two {pron}beide
two hundredzweihundert
two hundredth {adj}zweihundertste
two place {adj}zweistellig
two sided {adj}zweiseitig
two thousandzweitausend
two times {adj}zweimalig
two-armed {adj}zweiarmig
automot. tech. two-axled {adj}zweiachsig
two-columned {adj}zweispaltig
two-dimensional {adj}flächig
two-dimensionally {adv}zweidimensional
two-edged {adj}zweischneidig
two-face {adj}doppelgesichtig
two-faced {adj}zweigesichtig
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