Wörterbuch Englisch Deutsch: three digit

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bot. T
myth. three-headed {adj} [monster, dragon, etc.]dreiköpfig [Monster, Drache etc.]
econ. three-environments modelDrei-Umwelten-Modell {n} <3-Umwelten-Modell>
med. three-dimensional ultrasonic image <3D ultrasonic image>3D-Ultraschallbild {n}
tech. three-phase induction machine <3-phase induction machine>Drehstrominduktionsmaschine {f}
tech. three-phase induction motor <3-phase induction motor>Drehstromasynchronmotor {m}
tech. three-position toggle switch <3-position toggle switch>Dreistellungskippschalter {m}
traffic TrVocab. three-way stop [Am.] <3-WAY, 3x> [all-way stop]T-Kreuzung {f} [an der generell gehalten werden muss, um von rechts Kommenden Vorfahrt zu gewähren]
cloth. A three-piece men's suit consists of a jacket, a waistcoat, and trousers. [Br.]Ein dreiteiliger Herrenanzug besteht aus Sakko, Gilet und Hose. [österr.]
chem. three-atom {adj} [attr.] <3-atom>dreiatomig <3-atomig>
electr. three-core {adj} [attr.] <3-core>dreiadrig <3-adrig>
three-layer {adj} <3-layer> [attr.]dreilagig <3-lagig>
three-semester {adj} [attr.] <3-semester>dreisemestrig <3-semestrig>
three-week {adj} [attr.] <3-week>dreiwöchig <3-wöchig>
automot. three-season tire <3-season tire> [Am.]Ganzjahresreifen {m}
zool. T
journ. Page Three girl [Br.] [also: page-three-girl, page three girl]Seite-Eins-Mädchen {n} [ugs.] [Deutschland]
biochem. biol. chem. three prime end (of DNA) <3' end>3'-Ende {n} (der DNS/DNA) [gesprochen: Drei-Strich-Ende]
sports three-pointer <3-pointer> [coll.] [three-point field goal] [basketball]Dreipunktwurf {m} [ugs.] <3-Punkt-Wurf> [Dreipunktewurf] [Basketball]
comp. MedTech. three-dimensional display <3D display> [e.g. of surfaces]dreidimensionale Darstellung {f} <3D-Darstellung> [z. B. von Oberflächen]
lit. F The Three Stigmata of Palmer Eldritch [Philip K. Dick]Die drei Stigmata des Palmer Eldritch [zeitweise auch: LSD-Astronauten]
tech. three-finger centric gripper [3-finger centric gripper]Drei-Finger-Zentrischgreifer {m} [3-Finger-Zentrischgreifer]
zool. T
zool. T
fin. the last three digits / numbers in the signature field on the back of the credit carddie letzten drei Ziffern {pl} im Unterschriftsfeld auf der Rückseite der Kreditkarte
quote There are three kinds of lies: lies, damned lies and statistics. [actual original is uncertain]Es gibt drei Arten von Lügen: Lügen, verdammte Lügen und Statistiken.
electr. three-conductor cable <3-conductor cable>Dreileiterkabel {n}
electr. three-core cable <3-core cable>Dreileiterkabel {n}
med. three-month injection <3-month injection>Dreimonatsspritze {f}
three-phase drive <3-phase drive>Drehstromantrieb {m}
electr. three-phase stator <3-phase stator>Drehstromstator {m}
math. three-sided figure <3-sided figure>Dreieck {n}
electr. three-wire cable <3-wire cable>Dreileiterkabel {n}
zool. T
print three-color printing [Am.] <3-color printing>Dreifarbendruck {m} <3-Farben-Druck> [Verfahren]
med. three-dimensional tumor model <3D tumor model> [Am.]dreidimensionales Tumormodell {n} <3D-Tumormodell>
med. three-dimensional tumour model <3D tumour model> [Br.]dreidimensionales Tumormodell {n} <3D-Tumormodell>
mus. three-neck electric guitar <3-neck electric guitar>3-halsige E-Gitarre {f}
QM three-point estimation (technique) <3-point estimation (technique)>Dreipunktschätzung {f} <3-Punkt-Schätzung>
zool. T
zool. T
bot. T
bot. T
bot. T
bot. T
bot. T
bot. T
eighty-three-year-old {adj} [attr.] <83-year-old>dreiundachtzigjährig <83-jährig>
fifty-three-year-old {adj} [attr.] <53-year-old>dreiundfünfzigjährig <53-jährig>
forty-three-year-old {adj} [attr.] <43-year-old>dreiundvierzigjährig <43-jährig>
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