Wörterbuch Englisch Deutsch: scroll

Übersetzung 1 - 74 von 74


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NOUN   a scroll | scrolls
VERB  to scroll | scrolled | scrolled ... 
SYNO   roll | scroll | coil | curl ... 
comp. to scroll [the screen]
[auf dem Bildschirm] blättern
comp. to scroll
comp. to scroll [up, down]
rollen [eine Schriftrolle etc. vor-, zurückrollen]
comp. to scroll [the screen]
[den Bildschirminhalt] verschieben
comp. to scroll
to scrollText rollen
to scroll(Text auf) Bildschirm rollen
hist. ling. scroll [roll of parchment, paper, etc., with writing on it]
Schriftrolle {f}
comp. scroll
Bildschirmrollen {n}
art scroll [ornamental spiral]
Schnörkel {m}
art publ. scroll
Rolle {f}
archi. mus. scroll
Schnecke {f} [Verzierung, z. B. an Geige; auch architektonisches Ornament]
art scroll
Schriftband {n}
art lit. scroll
Buchrolle {f}
scroll [list]
Liste {f}
mus. tech. scroll
Schnecke {f}
tech. scrollPlanspirale {f}
2 Wörter: Verben
comp. to scroll downabwärtsrollen
comp. to scroll downrunterscrollen [ugs.]
to scroll downvorrollen
to scroll downzurückrollen
comp. to scroll downnach unten fahren
comp. to scroll downnach unten rollen [selten]
comp. to scroll downnach unten scrollen
to scroll downwardBildschirminhalt nach unten verschieben
comp. to scroll downwardden Bildschirminhalt nach oben schieben
comp. to scroll throughdurchscrollen [ugs.] [z. B. Liste, Anzeigebereich]
comp. to scroll through sth.etw. durchlaufen
comp. electr. to scroll upaufrollen
comp. to scroll uphochscrollen
comp. to scroll upraufscrollen [ugs.]
to scroll upzurückrollen
comp. to scroll upaufwärts rollen [selten]
comp. to scroll uphoch scrollen
comp. electr. to scroll upnach oben blättern [ugs.]
comp. to scroll upnach oben fahren
comp. to scroll upnach oben rollen [selten]
comp. to scroll upnach oben scrollen
to scroll upwardnach oben rollen
comp. to scroll upwardden Bildschirminhalt nach unten verschieben
2 Wörter: Substantive
libr. (parchment) scroll [also: parchment-scroll]Pergamentrolle {f}
(scroll) jigsawPendelhubstichsäge {f}
bibl. first scroll [Jeremiah 36]Urrolle {f}
bibl. hist. lit. leather scrollLederrolle {f} [lederne Schriftrolle]
archaeo. papyrus scrollPapyrusrolle {f}
art picture scrollBildrolle {f}
comp. scroll areaBildlaufbereich {m}
comp. scroll barBildlaufleiste {f}
comp. scroll barRollbalken {m}
comp. scroll barScrollbalken {m}
scroll buttonRolltaste {f}
tech. scroll chuckPlanspiralfutter {n}
scroll compressorScrollverdichter {m}
scroll modeBilddurchlaufmodus {m}
comp. scroll modeScrollmodus {m}
art scroll paintingRollbild {n}
tools scroll sawDekupiersäge {f}
scroll sawMotorlaubsäge {f}
comp. scroll wheelScrollrad {n}
tools scroll-sawLaubsäge {f}
archaeo. relig. Temple Scroll [Dead Sea scrolls] <11QTS>Tempelrolle {f} <11QTS, 11QTR>
relig. Torah scrollThorarolle {f}
relig. Torah scrollTorarolle {f} [inoffiziell nicht selten für: Thorarolle]
mus. violin scrollGeigenschnecke {f}
archaeo. relig. War Scroll <1QM> [Dead Sea scrolls]Kriegsrolle {f} <1QM>
3 Wörter: Substantive
comp. scroll lock keyRollen-Taste {f}
comp. scroll lock keyScroll-Lock-Taste {f} [Rollen-Taste]
comp. scroll of articlesArtikelliste {f}
art relig. scroll of EstherEsther-Rolle {f} [auch: Ester-Rolle]
scroll of paperPapierrolle {f}
scroll of parchmentRolle {f} Pergament
art scroll of tendrilsLaubwerk {n}
Fiktion (Literatur und Film)
comics F Asterix and the Missing ScrollDer Papyrus des Cäsar [Asterix, Ausgabe Nr. 36]
lit. F The Seventh Scroll [Wilbur Smith]Die Schwingen des Horus
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