Wörterbuch Englisch Deutsch: posthumous marriage [between two participants one of whom was killed in action]

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hist. law posthumous marriage [between two participants one of whom was killed in action]Leichentrauung {f} [ugs.] [postume Eheschließung in Kriegszeiten]
Teilweise Übereinstimmung
mil. KIA [killed in action] [soldier]Gefallener {m} [Soldat]
mil. the fallen {pl} [soldiers killed in action]die Gefallenen {pl} [insgesamt betrachtet]
agr. [the narrow strip of land between two furrows in a field]Bifang {m} [regional] [Raum zwischen zwei Ackerfurchen]
archi. constr. RealEst. duplex [Am.] [two separate homes in one building, either one on top of the other or side by side]Zweifamilienhaus {n}
curr. Cuban convertible peso <CUC, $> [one of two official currencies in Cuba]Peso convertible {m} <CUC, $> [eine von zwei Währungen auf Kuba]
[set of one table and two benches (as used in beer tents)]Bierzeltgarnitur {f}
lit. quote It was the best of times, it was the worst of times. [Charles Dickens, A Tale of Two Cities]Es war die beste aller Zeiten, es war die schlechteste aller Zeiten. [Eine Geschichte aus zwei Städten]
bomarea [one of the two major genera in the plant family Alstroemeriaceae]Bomarien {pl}
hist. [silver coin that was worth two-thirds of a Taler]Zweidritteltaler {m}
sports [match between two clubs of the Ruhr area]Revierderby {n}
law posthumous marriagepostmortale Eheschließung {f}
geol. fault wedge [wedge-shaped block of rock between two faults]Pultscholle {f}
stat. traffic casualty figures {pl} [of persons killed in accidents]Opferzahl {f} [von im Verkehr getöteten Personen]
gastr. sausage sandwich [Br.] [grilled / fried sausage between two slices of bread][mit Bratwurst gefüllte Sandwich-Schnitten]
med. VetMed. zool. decaplet [one of the ten siblings produced in one pregnancy; one offspring]Zehnling {m}
X cum Y [two in one]X und Y in einem [zweierlei in einem]
X-cum-Y [two in one]X und Y in einem [zweierlei in einem]
hist. law posthumous marriage [here: WWII, Germany]Totenehe {f} [ugs.] [postume Eheschließung] [Deutsches Eherecht im 2. Weltkrieg]
agr. hist. [chairman of a farmers cooperative or of a village who was in charge of the Flurzwang]Schulze {m} [Schultheiß]
med. spike potential <SP> [one of the action potentials]Spitzenpotential {n}
twin beds [two single beds in one room]zwei Einzelbetten {pl}
quote [quote from a popular German TV sketch, used to express that everything was better in the past; literally: "There was more lametta (on the Christmas tree) in the old days."]Früher war mehr Lametta. [Loriot, aus „Weihnachten bei Hoppenstedts“; verallgemeinert verwendet im Sinne von „Früher war alles besser.“]
gastr. s'more [traditional campfire treat; roasted marshmallow and chocolate sandwiched between two pieces of graham cracker]S'more {n} [trad. Lagerfeuer-Snack (Kekssandwich mit Marshmallows und Schokoladestückchen)]
sports half [one of the two playing periods]Spielhälfte {f} [eine der beiden Spielzeithälften]
electr. 12/2 wire [two insulated AWG 12 wires in one cable] [Am.]Doppelader {f} <DA> 3,3 mm² (im) Querschnitt
art lit. mus. highly romantic {adj} [refers to the quality of a work of art, not necessarily to the period it was produced in]hochromantisch
down {adj} [out of action, not in use]außer Betrieb
furn. ale-bench [set of one table and two benches]Biertischgarnitur {f}
to be sold [action of selling in a shop]über die Ladentheke gehen [ugs.] [Redewendung]
relig. ex opere operato {adv} [in virtue of the action]ex opere operato [durch die vollzogene Handlung]
sayee [one to whom something is said]Angesprochener {m}
to spoon [of two persons; to lie close to each other, like spoons in a drawer; also: to have sex in that position]Löffelchen machen
[North German] [in names of narrow streets, between hedges]Redder {m}
sports [friendly relationship between supporters of different teams, esp. in soccer]Fanfreundschaft {f}
econ. geogr. Golden Banana [conurbation lying between Valencia in the west and Genoa in the east along the coast of the Mediterranean Sea]Goldene Banane {f} [verdichteter Großraum entlang der Mittelmeerküste bis Valencia, Spanien]
archi. RealEst. (housing) terrace {sg} [Br.] [row of houses built in one block in a uniform style]Reihenhäuser {pl}
admin. law pol. [prudential regulation of the migration movements of people between the EU and Switzerland in accordance with the bilateral accords]Ventilklausel {f} [schweiz.] [Regulierung der Ein- und Rückwanderung von Personen aus dem EU-Raum in die Schweiz]
hist. drum [evening tea party of a kind that was popular in the late 18th and early 19th century]Abendgesellschaft {f} [bes. im späten 18. und frühen 19. Jahrhundert]
bilateral {adj} [between two governments]zwischen zwei Staaten [nachgestellt]
intergovernmental {adj} [between two governments]zwischen zwei Regierungen [nachgestellt]
hist. [literally: perpetrator generation. Generation of Germans who theoretically was able to participate in Nazi crimes]Tätergeneration {f}
acc. fin. two quarters [first two or last two in a year]Halbjahr {n}
pol. [institutionalized co-operation between the representations of employers and labour in Austria]Sozialpartnerschaft {f} [österr.]
relig. bardo [a state of existence between death and rebirth in Tibetan Buddhism]Bardo {m}
law relig. marriage tribunal [e.g. of Zurich in the 1500s]Ehegericht {n} [z. B. Zürcher Ehegericht]
to jam sth. [between two things]etw. einklemmen [quetschen]
archi. [stairs between two storeys, floors]Geschosstreppe {f} [fachsprachlich] [auch: Geschoßtreppe]
mus. interval [relationship between two notes]Tonabstand {m}
confidential conversation [between two persons]Vieraugengespräch {n}
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