Wörterbuch Englisch Deutsch: piece

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NOUN   a piece | pieces
VERB  to piece | pieced | pieced ... 
SYNO   composition | musical composition ... 
SYNO   Braunes [ugs.] | Dope [ugs.] ... 
gastr. another piece of meatnoch ein Stück {n} Fleisch
basic piece work rateAkkordrichtsatz {m}
material cast piece of metalGussteil {n} aus Metall
games chess piece relative valueBauerneinheit {f} [Schach]
clumsy piece of workdürftiges Stück {n} Arbeit
conscientious piece of workgewissenhafte Arbeit {f}
decrepit piece of machineryausgeleierte Maschine {f}
delicate piece of machineryheikles Werkstück {n}
delicate piece of mechanismheikler Mechanismus {m}
exacting piece of workanspruchsvolle Arbeit {f}
automot. exhaust pipe end pieceAuspuffendstück {n}
favorite piece of jewelry [Am.]Lieblingsschmuckstück {n}
favourite piece of jewellery [Br.]Lieblingsschmuckstück {n}
furn. watches weapons fine piece of craftsmanshipedles Stück {n} Handwerkskunst
five-dollar gold pieceFünfdollargoldstück {n}
full face piece respiratorAtemschutzvollmaske {f}
full face piece respiratorVollatemschutzmaske {f}
good piece of craftsmanshipgutes Stück {n} Arbeit
honest piece of workehrliches Stück {n} Arbeit
incomplete piece of workmangelhaftes Werkstück {n}
interesting piece of newsinteressante Nachricht {f}
key piece of evidenceHauptbeweisstück {n}
key piece of evidencewichtigstes Beweisstück {n}
little piece of paperPapierchen {n} [Stückchen Papier] [meist pej.]
messy piece of workGehudel {n} [regional]
theatre movable piece of sceneryVersatzstück {n}
nasty piece of work [Br.] [coll.](übler) Patron {m} [ugs. für: übler Kerl]
nasty piece of work [Br.] [coll.]widerliche Person {f}
nasty piece of work [Br.] [coll.] [pej.] [fig.]gscherter Hammel {m} [fig.] [pej.] [bayer.]
nasty piece of work [Br.] [coll.] [pej.] [idiom]linke Socke {f} [ugs.] [fig.] [pej.]
nasty piece of work [coll.]übler Kerl {m} [ugs.]
nasty piece of work [coll.] [fig.] [person]Ekelpaket {n} [ugs.] [fig.] [Person]
nasty piece of work [coll.] [malicious person]Dreckschleuder {f} [ugs.]
nasty piece of work [esp. Br.] [coll.] [very unpleasant or mean person]fieser Kerl {m} [ugs.]
neat piece of worksauberes Stück {n} Arbeit
idiom nice piece of crumpet [Br.] [coll.]fesche Katz {f} [österr.] [ugs.]
nice piece of totty [Br.] [coll.]tolles Weib {n} [ugs.]
philat. on piece (of cover)Briefstück {n}
one-piece wooden clothespin [Am.]Holzwäscheklammer {f} [aus einem Stück gefertigt, ohne Gelenkfeder]
mus. piece for four handsvierhändiges Stück {n}
mus. piece in G majorStück {n} in G-Dur
piece in the puzzlePuzzlestück {n}
piece of (broken) glassGlasscherbe {f}
piece of a jigsawMosaikstein {m} [fig.]
piece of background informationHintergrundinformation {f}
furn. piece of balcony furnitureBalkonmöbel {n}
piece of blotting-paperLöschblatt {n}
piece of body jewellery [Br.]Piercing {n} [Körperschmuck]
piece of body jewelry [Am.]Piercing {n} [Körperschmuck]
gastr. piece of chopped tomatoTomatenstückchen {n}
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