Dictionary English German: in disgrace

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in disgrace {adv}mit Schimpf und Schande [Redewendung]
Keywords contained
to be in disgracein Ungnade (gefallen) sein
quote I saw the times, when Friedrich was a hero and fought with him in all his wars. I chose disgrace, where there was no honor in obedience. [inscription on the tombstone of Johann F. A. von der Marwitz]Sah Friedrichs Heldenzeit und kämpfte mit ihm in all seinen Kriegen. Wählte Ungnade, wo Gehorsam nicht Ehre brachte. [Inschrift auf dem Grabstein des Johann Friedrich Adolf von der Marwitz]
Partial Matches
to disgraceblamieren
to disgracein Ungnade bringen
to disgraceschänden
disgraceBlamage {f}
disgraceGemeinheit {f}
disgraceSauerei {f}
disgraceSchande {f}
disgraceSchmach {f}
disgraceSchweinerei {f}
disgraceUngnade {f}
to disgrace oneselfsichAkk. blamieren
cultural disgraceKulturschande {f}
ultimate disgracegrößte Schande {f}
to disgrace sb./sth.Schande über jdn./etw. bringen
to fall into disgracein Ungnade fallen
sports Disgrace of GijónSchande {f} von Gijón
lit. F Disgrace [John M. Coetzee]Schande
film F Disgrace [Steve Jacobs]Schande
disgrace [act of ignominy]Schändung {f}
disgrace [source of shame]Missstand {m}
to wipe out a disgraceeine Schande tilgen
lit. F Disgrace [Jussi Adler-Olsen]Schändung
A disgrace to the uniform.Eine Schande für die Armee.
to be a disgrace to sb.eine Schande für jdn. sein
This injustice is a disgrace.Dieses Unrecht schreit zum Himmel. [fig.]
to bring disgrace on / upon sb./sthSchande über jdn./etw. bringen
unit cubic inch <in³, cui, cu in, cu. in.>Kubikzoll {m}
audio film unit inches per second <ips> <in/s> <in/sec>Zoll {pl} pro Sekunde
in head-in-the-sand fashion {adv} [ostrich-like]in Vogel-Strauß-Manier
to be in-built in sb./sth.jdm./etw. eigen sein
math. in threes {adv} <in 3's, in 3s> [in steps of three / 3]in Dreierschritten
in preparation {adv} <in prep.>in Vorbereitung <i. V.>
bot. T
pharm. QM in-house reference material <in-house RM>internes Referenzmaterial {n} [hauseigenes / internes Arbeitsreferenzmaterial]
mil. commander-in-chief <C.-in-C., C in C>Oberbefehlshaber {m}
bot. T
bot. T
RealEst. move in / move-in ready {adj} [dwelling]bezugsfrei [Wohnung]
to lie in between / in-betweendazwischenliegen
comp. tech. picture-in-picture fade-inBild-in-Bild-Einblendung {f}
in {prep}an
in {prep}auf
in {prep}bei
in {adv}einhin [österr., bayer.] [hinein]
in {adv}herein
in {adv}hinein
in {prep}in
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