Wörterbuch Englisch Deutsch: glacioisostatic [also glacio isostatic]

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Teilweise Übereinstimmung
cloth. dhoti pants [also: Dhoti pants] [more than one pair]Dhoti-Pants {pl} [mehrere Paare]
VetMed. dough-balls [also: dough balls, doughballs] [in pigs' stomachs]Teigbälle {pl} [in Schweinemägen]
naut. TrVocab. duck boat [also: Duck boat] [coll.] [amphibious tour bus][Amphibienfahrzeug für Ausflüge von Touristen]
med. Duhring's disease <DH> [also: Duhring disease] [Dermatitis herpetiformis]Dermatitis herpetiformis Duhring {f} <DHD>
med. Duhring's disease <DH> [also: Duhring disease] [Dermatitis herpetiformis]Morbus Duhring {m}
fish egg cases [also: egg capsules, mermaid's purses, etc.]Eikapseln {pl}
phys. energy dynamics [treated as sg.] [also: dynamics of energy]Energiedynamik {f}
dent. med. Epstein's disease [also: Epstein disease, Epstein's pearls]Epstein-Epithelperlen {pl}
chem. phys. explosion dynamics [treated as sg.] [also: dynamics of explosion]Explosionsdynamik {f}
family balancing [euphem. for sex selection] [also: social sexing]Geschlechtsauswahl {f} [IVF] [präimplantativ]
tech. filler plug [IEC 60050] [rarely also: fillerplug, filler-plug]Blindstopfen {m} [IEC 60050]
flaring up [also fig.: of racial unrest, rage, etc.]Aufflackern {n} [auch fig.: von Rassenunruhen, Wut etc.]
educ. free school [also Free School, as a proper name]Freischule {f}
hist. mil. French campaign [also: Battle of France] [World War II]Frankreichfeldzug {m} [2. WK]
hist. Frenchmen's children [usually pej.] [see also Rhineland bastards]Franzosenkinder {pl} [ugs.] [pej.]
fuzzy-wuzzy [sl.] [also derogatory for a black person]Wuschelkopf {m} [ugs.]
hist. God's peace [also: God's Peace] [Pax Dei]Gottesfriede {m}
cloth. goodyear welt [also: Goodyear welt] [method of shoe construction]Goodyear-Rahmennaht {f}
ling. Grimm's law [also known as Grimm's rule]Grimm'sches Gesetz {n}
ling. Grimm's law [also known as Grimm's rule]grimmsches Gesetz {n}
comm. pol. intervention system [preferred in EU documents; also intervention arrangement]Interventionsregelung {f}
math. Jacobi's theorem [also: theorem of Jacobi] [differential geometry]Satz {m} von Jacobi [Differentialgeometrie]
gastr. joy juice [Am.] [coll.] [also: joy-juice] [alcoholic drink]Stoff {m} [ugs.] [alkoholisches Getränk]
ethn. hist. Kiga (people) {pl} [also referred to as the Abakiga or Chiga]Kiga {pl} [auch Bakiga, Bachiga oder Chiga genannt]
geogr. pol. KwaZulu-Natal <KZN> [S.Afr.] [coll. short also: Natal]KwaZulu-Natal {n} <KZN>
lab rat [also fig. for lowly qualified lab worker]Laborratte {f} [auch fig. für niedrigqualifizierte Laborkraft]
myth. little folks {pl} [also: wee folks] [elves, pixies, leprechauns etc.][Elfen, Kobolde, kleine Feen]
econ. location dynamics [treated as sg.] [also: dynamics of location]Standortdynamik {f}
engin. tech. lockout / tagout <Lo-To, LOTO> [also: lock and tag]LoTo {n} [Blockier- und Verriegelungssystem, Wartungsblockiersystem]
ethn. long pig [also hum.] [human being regarded as meat]Langschwein {n} [auch hum.] [Mensch als mögliche Kannibalenmahlzeit]
hist. weapons main gauche [also: main-gauche, maingauche] [leaf-hand dagger]Linkshanddolch {m} [Parierdolch, Begleitdolch]
oenol. Müller-Thurgau [white grape variety] [also spv.: Muller-Thurgau]Müller-Thurgau {m} [Weißweinsorte]
neatsfoot oil [esp. for leather, also used in metalworking]Klauenöl {n} [Lederpflege, auch in der Metallverarbeitung]
med. paratyphoid salmonellae [Salmonella typhi] [also: paratyphoidal salmonellae, paratyphoid salmonellas]Erreger {pl} von Paratyphus
patter-merchant [female] [Br.] [coll.] [pej.] [also: patter merchant]Sprücheklopferin {f} [ugs.] [pej.]
Porta-John® [Am.] [also: Porta John®] [folding portable toilet]Dixiklo {n} [ugs.] [Rsv.] [Dixi-Klo] [Dixi®] [auch Gattungsname für eine mobile Toilettenkabine]
hist. prisoner functionary [also: kapo] [in a Nazi concentration camp]Funktionshäftling {m} [auch Kapo] [in einem Nazi-KZ: Häftling, der als Aufsicht über andere Häftlinge eingesetzt ist]
econ. fin. pro forma [also: proforma] [short for: pro forma invoice]Pro-forma-Rechnung {f}
comm. law registered trader [also: (true) mercantile trader or full merchant]Vollkaufmann {m}
ind. salt works [treated as a sg.] [also: salt-works]Salzsiederei {f}
astron. lit. Sidereal Messenger [also: Starry Messenger, Sidereal Message] [Galieo Galilei]Sternenbote {m} [auch: Nachricht von den Sternen]
slender purse [small pouch for carrying money] [also fig.]magere Geldbörse {f}
staircase wit [also: esprit de l'escalier or afterwit]Treppenwitz {m}
tech. technology dynamics [treated as sg.] [also: dynamics of technology]Technologiedynamik {f}
tech. telltale hole [also: tell-tale hole] [for leak detection]Kontrollbohrung {f} [Leckageüberwachung]
curr. Tongan Paʻanga <T$, PT> [also: Tongan Pa'anga / Paanga]Paʻanga {n} {m} <T$, PT> [Tonga-Dollar] [auch: Pa'anga, Paanga]
ecol. tree hugger [also: tree-hugger] [female] [coll.] [often pej.]Ökotante {f} [ugs.] [oft pej.]
undercarriage basket [also: under-carriage basket] [for a pram]Ablagekorb {m} [für einen Kinderwagen]
geogr. Vermilion Sea [archaic] [also: Vermillion Sea] [Gulf of California]Golf {m} von Kalifornien
hist. vice-ispan [also: vice-ispán] [deputy county head] [Hungary]Vizegespan {m} [Ungarn]
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