Wörterbuch Englisch Deutsch: distillation

Übersetzung 1 - 36 von 36

Englisch Deutsch
NOUN   a distillation | distillations
SYNO   distillation | distillment | distillate ... 
chem. distillation
Destillation {f}
2 Wörter: Substantive
chem. azeotropic distillationazeotrope Destillation {f}
ind. coal distillationSteinkohlendestillation {f}
chem. engin. counterflow distillationGegenstromdestillation {f} [Rektifikation]
chem. engin. counterflow distillationRektifikation {f} [Gegenstromdestillation]
chem. destructive distillationtrockene Destillation {f}
chem. tech. distillation bridgeDestillationsbrücke {f}
chem. tech. distillation bridgeDestillierbrücke {f}
chem. distillation columnDestillationskolonne {f}
ind. distillation columnDestillationssäule {f}
distillation flaskDestillationskolben {m}
distillation flaskDestillierkolben {m}
distillation plantDestillationsanlage {f}
tech. distillation procedureDestillierverfahren {n}
chem. distillation residueDestillationsrückstand {m}
chem. distillation retortDestillationsretorte {f}
chem. distillation towerDestillationskolonne {f}
chem. double distillationzweifache Destillation {f}
chem. extractive distillationExtraktivdestillation {f}
chem. extractive distillationextraktive Destillation {f}
chem. fractional distillationfraktionierte Destillation {f}
illicit distillationSchwarzbrennerei {f}
ind. industrial distillationindustrielle Destillation {f}
steam distillationDampfdestillation {f}
steam distillationWasserdampfdestillation {f}
chem. tar distillationTeerdestillation {f}
vacuum distillationVakuumdestillation {f}
3 Wörter: Verben
to remove by distillationabdestillieren
3 Wörter: Substantive
chem. crude (oil) distillationRohöldestillation {f}
chem. crude-oil distillationRohöldestillation {f}
method of distillationDestillationsmethode {f}
pot still distillationPot-Still-Destillation {f} [Spirituosen-Technologie]
steam distillation apparatusDampfdestillator {m}
tech. zinc-dust distillationZinkstaubdestillation {f}
4 Wörter: Substantive
oenol. wine fortified for distillationBrennwein {m}
5+ Wörter: Andere
made by distillation from wood {adj} [postpos.]durch Holzdestillation gewonnen
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