Wörterbuch Englisch Deutsch: belly up

Übersetzung 1 - 15 von 15

Englisch Deutsch
SYNO   bankrupt | belly-up
comm. to go belly-up [coll.] [bankrupt]bankrottgehen [ugs.]
comm. to go belly-up [coll.] [bankrupt]bankrott gehen [alt] [ugs.]
comm. to go belly-up [coll.] [bankrupt]Konkurs machen
to go belly-up [coll.] [fig.]schiefgehen [ugs.] [misslingen]
to go belly-up [coll.] [fig.]sterben
comm. to go belly-up [coll.] [fig.]Schiffbruch erleiden [fig.]
to go belly-up [coll.] [idiom] [to die]den Geist aufgeben [ugs.] [Redewendung] [veraltend für: sterben]
to go belly-up [coll.] [idiom] [to fail]in die Hose gehen [ugs.] [Redewendung]
to go belly-up [coll.] [to die]den Bach runtergehen [fig.] [ugs.] [sterben]
comm. to go belly-up [coll.] [to fail] [idiom]baden gehen [ugs.] [Redewendung] [scheitern]
comm. to go belly-up [company] [coll.]die Tore dicht machen [Unternehmen] [fig.]
to turn belly-up [coll.] [fig.]schiefgehen [ugs.] [misslingen]
comm. to turn belly-up [coll.] [fig.]Schiffbruch erleiden [fig.]
comm. to turn belly-up [coll.] [idiom]baden gehen [ugs.] [scheitern] [Redewendung]
to turn belly-up [idiom] [to die]sterben
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