Dictionary English German: axiomatics [treated as sg]

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Partial Matches
acad. axiomatics [treated as sg.]Axiomatik {f}
sports parallel bars [treated as pl.: apparatus; treated as sg.: event]Barren {m} [Gerät und Disziplin]
educ. law legal studies {pl} [often treated as sg. as an institutional program of studies]Rechtsstudium {n}
the majority {sg} of customers [treated as sg. or pl.]die meisten Kunden {pl}
nobility {sg} [Br.] [treated as either sg. or pl.]Adelsfamilien {pl} [kollektiv]
the immediate family {sg} [treated as sg. or pl.]die engsten Angehörigen {pl}
the travelling public {sg} [treated as sg. or pl.]Reisende {pl}
well educated and experienced staff {sg} [treated as sg. or pl.]gut ausgebildete und erfahrene Mitarbeiter {pl}
everyone present {sg} [treated as sg. or pl.]alle Anwesenden {pl}
experienced staff {sg} [treated as sg. or pl.]erfahrene Mitarbeiter {pl}
biol. hybrid progeny {sg} [treated as sg. or pl.]Hybridnachkommen {pl}
individual ethics {sg} {pl} [treated as sg. or pl.]Individualethik {f}
police headquarters {sg} [treated as sg. or pl.]Polizeipräsidium {n} <PP>
work force {sg} [treated as sg. or pl.]Arbeitskräfte {pl} [Belegschaft]
furn. lacquerware {sg} [treated as sg. or pl.]Lackwaren {pl}
agr. livestock {sg} [treated as sg. or pl.]Nutztiere {pl}
gastr. momo {sg} {pl} [treated as sg. or pl.]Momos {pl}
thanks {sg} {pl} [treated as sg. or pl.]Dank {m}
workforce {sg} [treated as sg. or pl.]Arbeitskräfte {pl} [Belegschaft]
acad. audio phys. acoustics [treated as sg.]Akustik {f} [Lehre vom Schall]
acad. audio acoustics [treated as sg.]Akustiklehre {f}
acad. audio acoustics [treated as sg.]Gehörlehre {f} [veraltet]
mus. acoustics [treated as sg.]Klanglehre {f}
acad. audio acoustics [treated as sg.]Schalllehre {f}
tech. adaptronics [treated as sg.]Adaptronik {f}
audio phys. aeroacoustics [treated as sg.]Aeroakustik {f}
audio phys. aeroacoustics [treated as sg.]Strömungsakustik {f}
aviat. mil. weapons aeroballistics {pl} [treated as sg.]Aeroballistik {f}
astron. aerogeophysics [treated as sg.]Aerogeophysik {f}
aviat. aeronautics {pl} [treated as sg.]Aeronautik {f} [veraltet] [Luftfahrt]
aviat. aeronautics {pl} [treated as sg.]Flugtechnik {f}
bot. aeroponics {pl} [treated as sg.]Aeroponik {f}
aviat. tech. aerostatics [treated as sg.]Aerostatik {f}
acad. agr. agronomics [treated as sg.]Agrarwissenschaft {f}
mus. aleatorics [treated as sg.]Aleatorik {f}
sociol. andragogics [treated as sg.]Andragogik {f}
acad. ling. anglistics [treated as sg.]Anglistik {f}
relig. apologetics {pl} [treated as sg.]Verteidigung {f} (der christl. Lehren)
philos. apophantics {pl} [treated as sg.]Apophantik {f}
acad. hydro. aquanautics [treated as sg.]Aquanautik {f}
aquaponics [pl. treated as sg.]Aquaponic {f} [Rsv.]
aquaristics [treated as sg.]Aquaristik {f}
acad. archaeo. biol. archaeogenetics [treated as sg.]Archäogenetik {f}
architectonics [treated as sg.]Architektonik {f}
architectonics [treated as sg.]Bauart {f}
architectonics [treated as sg.]planmäßiger Aufbau {m}
acad. educ. libr. archivistics [treated as sg.]Archivistik {f}
acad. libr. archivistics [treated as sg.]Archivwesen {n}
med. arthrokinematics [treated as sg.]Arthrokinematik {f}
astron. astrodynamics [treated as sg.]Astrodynamik {f}
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