Wörterbuch Englisch Deutsch: as of late

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as of late {adv} [formal] [idiom]in letzter Zeit
as of late {adv} [formal] [idiom]neuerdings
as of late {adv} [formal] [idiom]seit kurzem
as of late {adv} [formal] [idiom]seit Kurzem
as of late {adv} [formal] [idiom]seit Neuestem
as of late {adv} [formal] [idiom]seit neuestem
Teilweise Übereinstimmung
as late asso spät wie
late as usual {adv}spät wie gewohnt
As it was late ...Da es spät war ...
as late as yesterday {adv}erst gestern
He's late as usual.Er kommt wie gewöhnlich zu spät.
as the evening wore latewie der Abend fortschritt
As usual she arrived late.Wie üblich kam sie zu spät.
as late as the 19th century {adv}erst im 19. Jahrhundert
as late as the last century {adv}erst im letzten Jahrhundert
as late as three weeks ago {adv}erst vor drei Wochen
as late as early to mid Augusterst Anfang bis Mitte August
as late as early to mid Augustnicht vor Anfang bis Mitte August
sports to be called up as a late replacement for sb. [football]für jdn. nachnominiert werden
of late {adv}in der letzten Zeit
of late {adv}in letzter Zeit
of late {adv}kürzlich
of late {adv}letzthin
of late {adv}neulich
of late {adv}seit kurzem
since of late {adv}seit Kurzem
until of late {adv}bis vor kurzem
of late years {adv} [archaic]in den letzten Jahren
till of late {adv} [coll.]bis vor kurzem [auch: bis vor Kurzem]
psych. depression of late onsetinvolutive Depression {f}
late period of lifespäter Lebensabschnitt {m}
hist. of late antiquity {adj} [attr.] [postpos.]spätantik
hist. of the late Middle Ages {adj}spätmittelalterlich <spätma.>
in the late autumn of 2006 {adv}im Spätherbst 2006
in the late spring of 1987 {adv}im späten Frühjahr 1987
in the late summer of 2015 {adv}im Spätsommer 2015
in the late winter of 2004 {adv}im Spätwinter 2004
quote the mercy of (a) late birthdie Gnade {f} der späten Geburt [durch Helmut Kohl bekannt; vorher bei Günter Gaus]
in the late fall of 2003 {adv} [Am.]im Spätherbst 2003
to be in the late stages of pregnancyhochschwanger sein
med. late-onset autoimmune diabetes of adulthood <LADA>LADA {m}
UWH Late Baroque Towns of the Val di Noto [South-Eastern Sicily]Spätbarocke Städte {pl} des Val di Noto [im südöstlichen Sizilien]
med. late effects of poliomyelitis <LEoP, LEOP> [postpolio syndrome]Spätfolgen {pl} der Poliomyelitis [Postpoliosyndrom]
as of {prep}ab [+Dat.] [zeitlich]
as of [date]Stand vom [Datum]
as of {prep} [since]seit [+Dat.] [ab]
as manufacturers ofals Hersteller von
as of 2002 {adv}ab dem Jahre 2002
as of January {adv}wie seit Januar
as of now {adv}ab jetzt
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