Wörterbuch Englisch Deutsch: Elephantine [auch Elefantine] [Insel]

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bot. FoodInd. T
albeit {conj}allerdings [wenn auch]
bump-started {adj} {past-p} [also fig.]angeschoben [auch fig.]
equi- {prefix}äqui- [auch: Äqui-]
lit. Arthurian {adj}arturisch [auch: arthurisch]
astron. astronomical {adj} [also fig.]astronomisch [auch fig.]
churned up {adj} {past-p}aufgewühlt [auch fig.]
in a turmoil {adj} [postpos.]aufgewühlt [auch fig.]
ruffled {adj} {past-p}aufgewühlt [auch fig.]
thawing {adj} {pres-p} [also fig.]auftauend [auch fig.]
equably {adv} [also fig.: serenely]ausgeglichen [auch fig.]
excluded {adj} {past-p} [also math.]ausgeklammert [auch math.]
well-trod {adj} [well-trodden] [also fig.]ausgetreten [auch fig.]
full-fledged {adj}ausgewachsen [auch fig.]
sidestepped {adj} {past-p} [also fig.]ausgewichen [auch fig.]
inescapable {adj} [also fig.]ausweglos [auch fig.]
sidestepping {adj} [also fig.]ausweichend [auch fig.]
restrictive {adj}beengend [auch fig.]
touching {adj} {pres-p} [also fig.]berührend [auch fig.]
sniffed at {past-p} [also fig.]beschnuppert [auch fig.]
biol. med. locomotor {adj}bewegend [auch: fortbewegend]
picture-book {adj} [attr.] [also fig.]Bilderbuch- [auch fig.]
dime-store {adj} [Am.] [also fig.]Billig- [auch fig.]
biting {adj}bissig [auch fig.]
snappily {adv} [also fig.]bissig [auch fig.]
snappish {adj} [also fig.]bissig [auch fig.]
heavy as lead {adj} [also fig.]bleischwer [auch fig.]
blind {adj} [also fig.]blind [auch fig.]
flowery {adj} [also fig.]blumig [auch fig.]
full of blood {adj} [pred.] [also fig. for: full of life]blutvoll [auch fig.]
as soft as butter {adj} [idiom]butterweich [auch fig.]
Capitoline {adj}Capitolinisch [auch: capitolinisch]
anat. med. cephal- {prefix}Cephal- [auch: cephal-]
anat. med. zool. cephalo- {prefix}Cephalo- [auch: cephalo-]
doctrinaire {adj} [also pej.]doktrinär [auch pej.]
double-faced {adj}doppelgesichtig [auch fig.]
bot. tricuspidate {adj}dreizipfelig [auch: dreizipflig]
dark {adj} [also fig]dunkel [auch fig.]
thin-skinned {adj} [also fig.]dünnhäutig [auch fig.]
bleak {adj} [also fig.]düster [auch fig.]
lugubriously {adv}düster [auch fig.]
mil. dug in {adj} {past-p}eingebunkert [auch fig.]
relig. enshrined {past-p} {adj} [also fig.]eingeschreint [auch fig.]
single-strand {adj} [attr.] [also fig.]einsträngig [auch fig.]
incoming {adj} [also fig.]eintretend [auch fig.]
iron {adj} [also fig.]eisern [auch fig.]
geol. glacioisostatic {adj} [also: glacio-isostatic]eisisostatisch [auch: glazioisostatisch]
(as) cold as ice {adj} [postpos.] [also fig.]eiskalt [auch fig.]
elephantine {adj} [also fig.]elefantös [auch fig.]
remote {adj} [also fig.]entfernt [auch fig.]
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