Wörterbuch Englisch Deutsch: [their]

Übersetzung 1 - 75 von 75

Englisch Deutsch
skinny {adj} [of a person or part of their body]
mager [Person, Körperteil]
themselves {adv} [for their part]
ethn. ling. Shastan {adj} [of or relating to the Shasta people or their language]Shasta- [bezogen auf den Stamm der Shasta bzw. deren Sprache]
skinny {adj} [of a person or part of their body]spack [nordd.] [Person oder Körperteil: mager, dünn]
to maroon sb. [put them ashore and leave them to their fate]
jdn. aussetzen [z. B. an einer unbewohnten Küste]
to toughen sb./sth. [person or their body and mind]
jdn./etw. stählen [Person oder deren Körper und Geist]
mus. brass {pl} [brass wind instruments forming a band or a section of an orchestra; their players]
Blech {n} [ugs., auch etwas hum.: Blechbläser, Blechblasinstrumente]
educ. jobs law tutor [preparing law students for their exams]
Repetitor {m} [im Repetitorium]
undesirables {pl} [people] [e.g. due to their politics or race]
Missliebige {pl} [geh.]
gestures {pl} [in their totality]
Gestus {m} [geh.]
relig. [a societal state where people with different worldviews allow their differences to dominate their consciousness]
Gegeneinander {n} [Kirchenjargon]
cloth. sports pouch [worn by skiers around their waist]
Wimmerl {n} [Skiläufertasche] [österr.]
gastr. [an empty plate and cutlery at eateries offered to kids whose parents or other accompanying people share their food with]Räuberteller {m} [ugs.]
relig. [baptised Christians no longer affiliated with their denominations]Taufscheinchristen {pl.}
hist. [coarse cloth of the journeymen to wrap up their belongings]Charlottenburger {m} [bedrucktes Tuch für das Hab und Gut auf der Walz]
educ. [colloquial term for the notification sent by a school to parents informing them that their child is in danger of having to repeat a year]blauer Brief {m} [ugs.]
[derogatory term for asylum seekers, drawing attention to their poverty]Asylschnorrer {m} [pej.]
hort. [dry pine cones to make them lose their seed]Klengen {n}
comm. spec. [goods transported to markets by workers with wooden racks or baskets on their backs]Kraxenwaren {pl} [österr.] [sonst regional]
educ. pol. relig. [parents who refuse to send their children to school]Schulverweigerer {pl} [Eltern]
jobs [peasants who bring their produce to the market in tall backpack baskets]Refträger {pl} [veraltend] [regional] [Bäuerinnen/Bauern, die ihre Waren im Huckelkorb zum städtischen Markt bringen]
hist. mil. [the German or Austrian emperor as supreme commander of their empire's forces, esp. in WW I]oberster Kriegsherr {m}
relig. sociol. churching [spreading of churches and their influence]Verkirchlichung {f}
clapper [a person clapping their hands]Klatscher {m} [Beifallklatscher]
law expulsion [of people from their land]Landvertreibung {f}
flexer [person who shows off their muscles][Person, die ihre Muskeln spielen lässt]
nazi [person who is very extreme in their views on sth.] [pej.] [coll.]Besessener {m}
relig. spec. removal [relics, from their original site]Erhebung {f} [Reliquien, aus ihrer ersten Grabstätte]
sociol. returnees [returning to their country of origin, esp. after expulsion, emigration etc.]Rücksiedler {pl}
neol. zuppie [esp. Br.] [coll.] [rare] [zestful upscale person in their prime][vitaler Besserverdiener im besten Alter]
2 Wörter: Andere
agr. grass-finished {adj} [beef] [the cattle stay on pasture for their entire lives][Fleisch von Rindern, die ihr gesamtes Leben auf der Weide verbracht haben]
seeing sb. home {adj} [postpos.] [accompanying sb. on their return home]jdn. heimbegleitend [attr.]
2 Wörter: Verben
cloth. textil. to bleed into sth. [clothes with their fabric colours/colors]auf etw.Akk. abfärben [Textilien]
to call sb. out [to draw attention to their blameworthy behavior]jdn. anprangern
naut. to cast sb. ashore [against their will]jdn. aussetzen [an Land gegen seinen Willen]
to knock sb. up [Br.] [wake or attract the attention of someone by knocking at their door]jdn. herausklopfen [fig.]
to run sb. down [to criticise sb., usually not to their face]über jdn. herziehen [ugs.]
naut. to set sb. adrift [put them in a boat and leave them to their fate]jdn. aussetzen [ausbooten auf hoher See]
2 Wörter: Substantive
comp. neol. basement dweller [here: young person who spends most of their time in their room, in front of a computer]Kellerkind {n} [ugs.] [hier: Jugendlicher, der seine Freizeit vorwiegend vor dem Computer verbringt]
psych. body image [a person's perception of the aesthetics and sexual attractiveness of their own body]Körperschema {n} [neuropsychologische Korrelation der Wahrnehmung von realem Körper mit der Vorstellung vom eigenen Körper]
orn. duck family [drake and female with their ducklings]Entenfamilie {f} [Eltern mit Küken]
educ. enrollment ceremony [Am.] [for new students in their first year]Einschulungsfeier {f}
home nurse [female] [visits patients in their home]ambulante Krankenpflegerin {f}
hist. ling. pol. Interpretatio graeca [Latin term for the common tendency of ancient Greek writers to equate foreign divinities to members of their own pantheon.]Interpretatio Graeca {f} [Gleichsetzung nichtgriechischer mit griechischen Göttern in der Antike]
educ. open house [Am.] [when parents are invited to shadow pupils through the lessons in their classes]Schnuppertag {m} [bei dem Eltern eingeladen sind, den Schülern einen Tag lang beim Unterricht in ihren Klassenzimmern zuzusehen]
journ. pet writer [author of works on pets and their care]Haustier-Autor {m}
rubber-necker [Am.] [coll.] [somebody craning their neck to see what's going on]Gaffer {m} [ugs.]
secretarial signature [secretaries mimic the signature of their master; not illegal]Sekretärsunterschrift {f} [z. B. auf Autogrammkarten; rechtlich erlaubt]
pol. violent radical [someone who aims to achieve their political ends in radical ways, such as through violence or the destruction of property]Chaot {m}
3 Wörter: Andere
back to back {adv} [with their backs touching]Rücken an Rücken
textil. on the bias {adv} [used chiefly of fabrics and their cut]im schrägen Fadenlauf
3 Wörter: Substantive
orn. begging (for food) [of nestlings, with their beaks wide open]Sperren {n} [angeborenes Schnabelaufsperren junger Singvögel zum Futterbetteln]
EU Citizens' Rights Directive [short title] [Directive on the right of citizens of the Union and their family members to move and reside freely within the territory of the Member States]Freizügigkeitsrichtlinie {f} [Kurztitel] [Richtlinie 2004/38/EG]
EU Citizens' Rights Directive [short title] [Directive on the right of citizens of the Union and their family members to move and reside freely within the territory of the Member States]Unionsbürgerrichtlinie {f} [Kurztitel] [Freizügigkeitsrichtlinie, Richtlinie 2004/38/EG]
EU Free Movement Directive [coll.] [Directive on the right of citizens of the Union and their family members to move and reside freely within the territory of the Member States]Freizügigkeitsrichtlinie {f} [Kurztitel] [Richtlinie 2004/38/EG]
agr. grass-finished beef [the cattle stay on pasture for their entire lives]reines Weidefleisch {n} [das Rind verbringt sein gesamtes Leben auf der Weide]
law removal of custody [of children from their parents]Sorgerechtsentzug {m}
cloth. sports stirrup football socks [Br.] [worn by footballers over their shinguards]Stutzen {pl} [Kniestrümpfe mit Steg für Fußballspieler]
4 Wörter: Verben
to provide for one's children [their future]für seine Kinder vorsorgen
4 Wörter: Substantive
hist. pol. relig. restoration of the Jews [return of the Jews to their biblical homeland]Rückkehr {f} der Juden
5+ Wörter: Andere
proverb Bees that have honey in their mouths have stings in their tails.Hüte dich vor Katzen, die vorne lecken und hinten kratzen.
proverb quote Coming events cast their shadows before. [Thomas Campbell] [proverb also: Coming events cast their shadow before.]Kommende Ereignisse werfen ihre Schatten voraus.
Do you like hers / theirs? [her / their one]Gefällt dir ihrer / ihre / ihres?
Do you like hers / theirs? [her / their one]Magst du ihren / ihre / ihres?
Do you like hers / theirs? [her / their ones]Gefallen dir ihre?
Do you like hers / theirs? [her / their ones]Magst du ihre?
quote He's loved of the distracted multitude, // Who like not in their judgment, but their eyes. [Shakespeare, Hamlet]Er ist beliebt bei der verworrnen Menge, // Die mit dem Aug', nicht mit dem Urteil wählt. [Übers. August W. Schlegel]
philos. quote It is not the consciousness of men that determines their being, but, on the contrary, their social being that determines their consciousness.Es ist nicht das Bewusstsein der Menschen, das ihr Sein, sondern umgekehrt ihr gesellschaftliches Sein, das ihr Bewusstsein bestimmt. [Karl Marx]
bibl. quote They shall beat their swords into plowshares, and their spears into pruninghooks. [Mic. 4:3; KJV] [»plowshares«: archaic Br.]Sie werden ihre Schwerter zu Pflugscharen und ihre Spieße zu Sicheln machen. [Mi 4,3; Luther 1545, 1912, 1984]
They were all at work. [at their place of employment]Sie waren alle arbeiten.
proverb Those who can't use their head must use their back.Was man nicht im Kopf hat, hat man in den Beinen.
Fiktion (Literatur und Film)
RadioTV F Dick Dastardly [Dastardly and Muttley in Their Flying Machines]Fliegbert von Sichthofen [Fliegende Männer in tollkühnen Kisten]
RadioTV F Klunk [Dastardly and Muttley in Their Flying Machines]Einstein [Fliegende Männer in tollkühnen Kisten]
RadioTV F Muttley [Dastardly and Muttley in Their Flying Machines]Meutrich [Fliegende Männer in tollkühnen Kisten]
RadioTV F Zilly [Dastardly and Muttley in Their Flying Machines]Otto [Fliegende Männer in tollkühnen Kisten]
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