Wörterbuch Englisch Deutsch: [state]

Übersetzung 151 - 200 von 525  <<  >>

Englisch Deutsch
[comprehensive regional planning at federal or federal state level]Raumordnung {f} und Landesplanung
law [crime committed by a state]Staatsverbrechen {n} [von einem Staat begangen]
law pol. [decentralising of administrative tasks in Austria from the federal level to state levels]Verländerung {f} [österr.]
acad. [essay, paper; written part of a state exam in Germany](wissenschaftliche) Hausarbeit {f}
pol. [Federal State of Bremen, comprising the cities of Bremen and Bremerhaven]Zwei-Städte-Staat {m} [Bundesland Bremen mit Bremerhaven]
pol. [head of a federal state in Germany]Länderchef {m} [salopp] [Ministerpräsident eines deutschen Bundeslandes]
pol. RadioTV [limited state influence on public broadcasting]Staatsferne {f}
hist. law [medieval legal practice where citizens under a particular jurisdiction were required to gather with a state official, the latter who heard appeals and aided in local legal matters]Rügegericht {n}
hist. law [medieval legal practice where citizens under a particular jurisdiction were required to gather with a state official, the latter who heard appeals and aided in local legal matters]Ruggericht {n}
admin. law [Ministry of Justice of a German state]Landesjustizministerium {n}
mus. pol. [official anthem of the German federal state of Hesse]Hessenlied {n}
pol. [schools secretary in a German city-state]Schulsenator {m}
archi. pol. [seat of a state parliament in Austria]Landhaus {n} [österr.]
[state of being lost in thought]Versunkensein {n}
[state of evidence preservation at a crime scene]Spurenlage {f}
[state of ripeness of fruit when it is fit to eat]Genussreife {f}
[state of sitting on the fence, incapable of making a decision]Geeiere {n} [fig.] [pej.]
pol. [state parliament in Austria]Landtag {m} [österr.]
econ. law [state prosecutor against white-collar crime and corruption] [Austria]Wirtschafts- und Korruptionsstaatsanwaltschaft {f} <WKStA> [Österreich]
for. [state-owned forest in Germany]Staatsforst {m} [auch Bundesforst]
for. [state-owned woods in Austria](Österreichische) Bundesforste {pl}
econ. [state-subsidized salary]Kombi-Lohn {m} [auch: Kombilohn]
RealEst. [the state of not being late on rent payments]Mietschuldenfreiheit {f}
pol. administration [state apparatus](staatlicher) Herrschaftsapparat {m} [hier nicht unbedingt negativ besetzt]
agelessness [state of not showing the effects of age]Alterslosigkeit {f}
geogr. Alabama <AL> [Yellowhammer State, Cotton State]Alabama {n} [US-Bundesstaat]
amissness [state of being amiss] [faultiness]Fehlerhaftigkeit {f}
anarchist [literally: one who is contemptuous of the state]Staatsverächter {m}
geogr. Arizona <AZ> [Grand Canyon State]Arizona {n} [US-Bundesstaat]
ashamedness [state of being ashamed]Beschämtsein {n} [Beschämung]
mus. Badnerlied [unofficial hymn of the former state of Baden]Badnerlied {n} [badische Regionalhymne]
relig. bardo [a state of existence between death and rebirth in Tibetan Buddhism]Bardo {m}
betrothal [archaic] [state]Brautschaft {f}
hist. naut. bucentaur [state barge of Venice]Buzentaur {m} [veraltet] [venezianische Staatsbarge]
Bumblefuck [+ US State] [e.g. Bumblefuck, Arkansas] [sl.][Platzhaltername für einen abgelegenen Ort; vgl. engl. Podunk]
Bumfuck [+ US state] [e.g. Bumfuck, Indiana] [sl.][Platzhaltername für einen abgelegenen Ort; vgl. engl. Podunk]
busyness [the quality or state of being busy]Geschäftigsein {n}
curvity [obs.] [state of being curved]Gekurvtheit {f}
pol. Daesh [Arabic acronym for: Islamic State in Iraq and the Levant] <ISIL, ISIS, IS>Daesh {m} [auch: Daesch] [arabisches Akronym für: Islamischer Staat im Irak und der Levante] <ISIL, ISIS, IS>
geogr. Delaware <DE> [The First State]Delaware {n} [US-Bundesstaat]
dependency [state of being dependent]Angewiesensein {n}
relig. disestablishment [of a state church]Entstaatlichung {f} [einer Staatskirche]
geogr. Doha [capital city of the state of Qatar]Doha {n} [Hauptstadt von Katar]
enslavement [state of subjugation]Knechtung {f} [pej.] [geh.] [Geknechtetsein]
factualness [state of containing many facts]Faktenvielfalt {f}
pol. Friendship [USA] [Texas state motto]Freundschaft [Motto des US-Staates Texas]
psych. funk [a depressed state of mind]depressive Stimmung {f}
geogr. Georgia <GA> [Peach State, Empire State of the South]Georgia {n} [US-Bundesstaat]
hist. Gosplan [State Planning Committee]Gosplan {n}
lit. honorificabilitudinitatibus [archaic] [the state of being able to achieve honors][Fähigkeit, Ehre zu erlangen]
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