Wörterbuch Englisch Deutsch: [part]

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dropping out [not take part]Ausfall {m} [Ausscheiden]
hist. Eagle-dalmatic [part of the Imperial Regalia of the Holy Roman Empire]Adlerdalmatika {f} [auch: Adlerdalmatica] [Teil der Reichskleinodien]
electr. ind. electricity works [rare or as part of a proper name]Elektrizitätswerke {pl}
cloth. embroidered belt [part of some traditional costumes]Ranzen {m} [Gürtel]
comp. execution unit [a part of a CPU]Rechenwerk {n} [Operationswerk]
law pol. final act [part of treaty]Schlussakte {f}
law pol. final act [part of treaty]Schlußakte {f} [alt]
comp. functional unit [a part of a CPU]Verarbeitungswerk {n}
ethn. relig. funeral pyre [for burning a body as part of a funeral rite]Scheiterhaufen {m}
cloth. hist. golden cap [embroidered with gold threads] [part of historic and traditional female costumes]Goldhaube {f}
theatre grand dame [type part]Salondame {f} [Rollenfach]
admin. traffic Highways Agency [an executive agency, part of the Department for Transport in England][Behörde in England, die für den Unterhalt der Autobahnen und Fernstraßen zuständig ist]
sports home straight [Br.] [also fig.: last part of an activity or campaign]Zielgerade {f} [auch fig.: einer Kampagne etc.]
hist. Imperial Bible [part of the imperial insignia of the Holy Roman Empire]Reichsevangeliar {n} [auch Krönungsevangeliar, Teil der Reichskleinodien des Heiligen Römischen Reiches]
pol. independent town [not part of another local government entity]kreisfreie Stadt {f}
anat. VetMed. intermediate nerve [Nervus intermedius] [part of the facial nerve (cranial nerve VII)]Nervus intermedius {m} [ein Seitenast des Facialis-Nervs]
RealEst. isolated farmstead [not part of a village]Bauernhof {m} in Außenlage
tech. key bow [end or ornamental part of a key]Schlüsselreide {f}
geogr. Lake Uri [part of Lake Lucerne]Urnersee {m}
theatre leading lady [part]weibliche Hauptrolle {f}
astron. naval observatory [capitalized when part of a proper name]Marinesternwarte {f}
geogr. hist. New Holland [historical name for the western part of Australia]Neuholland {n} [historische Bezeichnung für den Westteil Australiens]
geogr. hist. North Vietnam [now part of Vietnam]Nordvietnam {n}
travel urban old town [historic part]Altstadt {f}
part number <PN, P/N, part no.>Sachnummer {f} <SN, Sach-Nr.>
econ. peripheral workers [part-time and other workers with flexible working arrangements who are on the payroll of a company]Arbeitnehmer {pl} der Randbelegschaft
theatre principal boy [leading part in a panto][männliche Hauptrolle im britischen Weihnachtsmärchen]
problematic area [unesthetic body part]Problemzone {f} [unästhetischer Körperbereich]
relig. rabbis conference [also: rabbis' conference] [capitalized as part of a proper name]Rabbinerkonferenz {f}
tech. reject part [also: rejected part]Schlechtteil {n}
rose cut [round, facetted stone without pavilion and 3 to 48 crown (upper part) facets]Antwerpener Rose {f} [Raute; facettierter Stein ohne Unterkörper mit 3 bis 48 Oberteilfacetten]
biotech. S-layer [part of the cell envelope commonly found in bacteria]S-Layer {m} {n} [Hüllproteine]
mining salt table [upper part of a salt stock which is directly exposed to ground-water]Ablaugungsebene {f} [vom Grundwasser erreichbarer oberer Teil eines Salzstocks]
film theatre secondary character [part]Nebenrolle {f}
cosmet. med. skin patch [part of the skin]Hautpartie {f}
sports sledding slope [part of a prepared piste]Schlittelpiste {f} [österr.] [schweiz.]
geogr. hist. South Yemen [now part of the Republic of Yemen](der) Südjemen {m} [heute Teil der Republik Jemen]
ind. tech. standard part [serial part]Serienteil {n}
rail state railway [capitalized as part of a proper name]Staatseisenbahn {f}
stimulus check [Am.] [here: one-off payment to Americans as part of the coronavirus stimulus package]Stimulus-Scheck {m} [hier: einmalige Hilfszahlung an US-Bürger]
constr. engin. tensile strength [of a component part]Zugtragfähigkeit {f}
archi. hist. relig. tolerance church [Austrian part of the monarchy]Toleranzbethaus {n}
geogr. Upper South [northern part of the Southern United States]Upper South {m} [nördlicher Teil der Südstaaten der USA]
vineyard wall [part of terracing]Rebmauer {f} [schweiz.] [südd.]
hist. mil. Waffen-SS [the military part of the SS, an independent part of the military forces of the Third Reich]Waffen-SS {f}
relig. weekly section [part of the Thora]Wochenabschnitt {m} [Teil der Tora]
material wood part [wooden part]Holzteil {n}
3 Wörter: Andere
QM critical to quality {adj} <CTQ> [an attribute of a part, assembly, sub-assembly, product, or process]CTQ
film theatre tailor-made for sb. {adj} [part] [idiom]jdm. auf den Leib geschrieben [Rolle] [Redewendung]
Totum pro parte. [the whole for a part]Totum pro parte. [Das Ganze (steht) für einen Teil.]
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