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lit. [novel based on real events but using changed names]
Schlüsselroman {m}
educ. hist. law [punishment in German universities and schools in which students were detained in 'Karzer' (on-site prison cells)]
Karzerstrafe {f}
law agnate [mostly obs.] [male relative on the father's side]
Agnat {m} [männlicher Blutsverwandter der männlichen Linie]
sports bowler [at bowls, on a bowling green]
Bowlsspieler {m}
burl [Am.] [a rounded outgrowth on a tree trunk or branch]
Wurzelholz {n} [ugs.] [Maserknolle, Holzkropf]
burr [Br.] [a rounded outgrowth on a tree trunk or branch]
Wurzelholz {n} [ugs.] [Maserknolle, Holzkropf]
automot. tech. creeper [small frame or platform mounted on casters, used e.g. when working under a car]
Werkstattrollbrett {n}
lit. essay [on cultural subjects]
Feuilleton {n} [österr.] [populärwissenschaftlicher Aufsatz]
equest. forelock [on a horse]
Pferdeschopf {m}
textil. fringe [esp. on carpets]
Fransenborte {f}
agr. jobs headman [on an estate]
Schaffer {m} [österr.] [veraltet] [Aufseher auf einem Gutshof]
gastr. Pharisee [coffee made with rum and whipped cream on top]
Pharisäer {m} [Getränk]
naut. row [excursion on a rowboat]
Ruderfahrt {f}
MedTech. stage [on a microscope]
Objektträger {m}
studs [on boots]
Nocken {pl} [Stollen an Schuhen]
curr. tolar <SIT> [Slovenian currency, replaced by the euro on 1 January 2007]
Tolar {m} <SIT> [ehemalige slowenische Währung]
climbing verglas [thin coating of ice on rock]
Glaseis {n} [dünne Eisschicht auf Felsen]
hist. pol. ['Jewish fine, penance', a penalty tax levied after the November 1938 Pogrom by the Nazi government on Jews in Germany and the occupied territories]Judenbuße {f}
["Parade of the fools" (literal transl.) on Fasnacht in southern Germany]Narrenumzug {m} [bes. in Süddeutschland]
geogr. [a lagoon on the river Peene on Usedom's inland side]Achterwasser {n}
mil. [a muster of troops before going on leave]Urlaubsappell {m}
hist. mil. rail [a special wartime locomotive (Kriegslokomotive) for employment on military field railways]Heeresfeldbahnlokomotive {f}
pol. [a Sunday on which the Swiss vote on referenda]Abstimmungssonntag {m} [ugs.] [Schweiz]
[a type of sled built for transport on the mudflats]Schlickschlitten {m} [Wattschlitten]
[a type of sled built for transport on the mudflats]Wattschlitten {m}
oenol. [a vine that has not been grafted, but grows on its own roots]Direktträger {m} [auch: Selbstträger]
[acquisition procedure based on the Mining Code]bergbauliches Grundabtretungsverfahren {n}
law [Act on Combined Heat and Power Generation]Kraft-Wärme-Kopplungsgesetz {n}
law [Act on the Protection against Hazardous Substances]Gesetz {n} zum Schutz vor gefährlichen Stoffen <ChemG> [Chemikaliengesetz]
theatre [actor who easily starts to laugh on stage]Lachwurzen {f} [österr.] [ugs.]
admin. law [advice on applicable legal remedies]Rechtsbehelfsbelehrung {f}
[an abnormal sensation resembling that made by insects creeping in or on the skin]Ameisenlaufen {n} [ugs.] [Formikatio]
transp. [announcement to passengers on Swiss public transport]ÖV-Durchsage {f} [schweiz.]
publ. theatre [annual publication containing detailed information on all German-speaking theatres](Deutsches) Bühnenjahrbuch {n}
gastr. [assorted cold cuts, e.g. ham, cheese, salami served on a wooden plate]Brotzeitbrettl {n} [bayer.] [Brotzeit als Imbiss]
educ. [Austrian type of grammar school (Br.), 9th - 12th form, with special emphasis on music, sport, science etc.]Bundesoberstufenrealgymnasium {n} <BORG>
sports [ban on exercising a function; disciplinary measure, e.g. in sports]Funktionssperre {f} [Disziplinarmaßnahme, bes. im Sport]
hist. relig. [ban on reading the Bible, esp. in translations]Bibelverbot {n}
law [ban on the employment of teachers and civil servants who are considered to be radical]Radikalenerlass {m}
gastr. [biscuit or gingerbread with a picture stamped on before baking, e.g. speculoos]Bildgebäck {n} [Springerle, Änisbrötli, Spekulatius, Tirggel]
gastr. [bit of food left on a serving plate out of good manners]Anstandshappen {m}
hunting [branch worn on a successful hunter's hat]Beutebruch {m}
archi. RealEst. [building with commercial premises on the groundfloor]Ladengebäude {n}
[button on a ticket machine which allows free short-term parking]Brötchentaste {f} [Parkscheinautomat]
automot. [car capable of doing 100km on 3 litres of fuel]3-Liter-Auto {n}
mus. [chord on scale degrees II, III, VI and VII]Nebenklang {m}
[circular wall of sand built as a windbreak and to mark out a person's space on the beach]Strandburg {f}
educ. [comment on a school report indicating that the pupil may have to repeat a year]Vorrücken {n} gefährdet [versetzungsgefährdet, Bemerkung im Zwischenschulzeugnis]
hist. pol. [compulsory tax stamp on internal West German mail to support West Berlin]Notopfermarke {f} [Steuermarke, Zusatzporto auf Post innerhalb der Bundesrepublik zur Unterstützung von West Berlin]
econ. ind. [contract manufacturing, also: national economies that rely on contract manufacturing]verlängerte Werkbank {f} [fig.] [Fertigungsbetrieb, Volkswirtschaft, die keine eigene Forschung und Entwicklung betreibt]
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