Wörterbuch Englisch Deutsch: [genre]

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mus. -core {suffix} [music genre]
-core [musikalisches Subgenre mit extremen Stilelementen]
romance [fiction genre]
Liebesgeschichte {f}
lit. romance [fiction genre]
Liebesroman {m}
art lit. mus. subgenre
Subgenre {n} [auch Sub-Genre]
film exploitation [film genre]
Exploitation {f} [Filmgenre]
lit. romance [genre]
Roman {m} [Romanze]
lit. publ. nonfiction [genre]
Sachbuchliteratur {f}
film exploitation [film genre]
Exploitationfilm {m} [als Genre, Kollektivsingular]
mus. aak [genre of Korean court music]Aak {f} [Genre der traditionellen koreanischen Musik]
photo. nude photographyAktfotografie {f} [Genre]
art nude painting [genre]Aktmalerei {f}
photo. nude photographyAktphotographie {f} [Genre]
archi. photo. architectural photographyArchitekturfotografie {f} [Genre]
film art house [genre]Arthausfilm {m}
dance mus. bachata [music genre from the Dominican Republic, also the dance that accompanies it]Bachata {f} [aus der Dominikanischen Republik stammende Musikrichtung; auch Tanz]
archi. hist. Bismarck towers [a unique German monument genre]Bismarcktürme {pl}
film lit. theatre character comedy [play, genre]Charakterkomödie {f}
mus. crunk [genre]Crunk {m} [Genre]
photo. documentary photographyDokumentarfotografie {f} [Genre]
photo. documentary photographyDokumentarphotographie {f} [Genre]
film multi-protagonist filmEnsemblefilm {m} [Genre]
film experimental cinemaExperimentalfilm {m} [Genre]
lit. speculative fictionFantastik {f} [Genre]
courtroom drama [also film genre]Gerichtsdrama {n} [auch Filmgenre]
film hist. pol. atrocity films {pl} [documentaries about concentration camps]Greuelfilme {pl} [Genre] [fachsprachlich für: Dokumentarfilme aus KZs]
mus. grime (music) [musical genre]Grime {m} [Musikstil]
mus. heavy rock [musical genre]Hardrock {m}
hist. lit. harpist's songs [ancient Egyptian literary genre]Harfnerlieder {pl}
art historical painting [genre]Historienmalerei {f}
art history painting [genre]Historienmalerei {f}
film small town movie [Am.]Kleinstadtfilm {m} [Genre]
film theatre comedian's comedyKomikerkomödie {f} [Genre]
photo. war photographyKriegsfotografie {f} [Genre]
film art cinemaKunstfilm {m} [Genre]
photo. landscape photographyLandschaftsfotografie {f} [Genre]
art landscape painting [genre]Landschaftsmalerei {f}
educ. film nuts-and-bolts filmsLehrfilme {pl} [Genre der "Wie wird's gemacht?" - / "How-To ..." - Filme]
lit. lyric [lyric poetry as a literary genre]Lyrik {f} [als dichterische Gattung]
cloth. photo. couture photographyModefotografie {f} [Genre]
cloth. photo. fashion photographyModefotografie {f} [Genre]
photo. night photographyNachtfotografie {f} [Genre]
photo. nature photographyNaturfotografie {f} [Genre]
photo. portrait photographyPorträtfotografie {f} [Genre]
art portrait painting [genre]Porträtmalerei {f}
film social problem filmProblemfilm {m} [auch das Genre]
film record filmProtokollfilm {m} [Genre]
photo. travel photographyReisefotografie {f} [Genre]
hist. lit. chivalric romance [genre, medieval literature]Ritterdichtung {f} [höfischer Roman]
film peplumsSandalenfilme {pl} [Genre]
film peplum filmsSandalenfilme {pl} [Genre]
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